jueves, 12 de junio de 2008

My friend Matias

My friend Matias.

I have known my friend Matias for not such a long time. We first met in the street about 4 years ago. We found out that we think very similar in a lot of things.
Then, one year later, we met in Ort and soon, we became best friends.

Two years ago, Matias invited me to pass a weekend with him! It was great.
We spent two days in a little country club with a swimming pool. Matias and I loved walking along the club at night. We had a lot of fun.

One year ago I spend a week at home and Matias came to see me three times.
But then, this year, Matias changed to another school. Since then, we haven’t seen each other very much, but we’ve talked on the phone or on Internet.

1 comentario:

Jimena Cas dijo...

Jimena, este trabajo lo subi el 4/6, me equivoque y lo subi como borrador, el martes lo cambie y lo subi como entrada normal y entre hoy recien y no esta, no se si va a estar bien como te lo entregue mañana sin tus correcciones, pero el trabajo lo hice en fecha, en lo unico que me equivoque fue en la forma en la que lo subi y por ese motivo no tiene correcciones.