Please finish the level tests from the relative clauses tutorial (the one we worked with last class) and post a comment with the results of the 4 tests before Friday 10th.
Remember next week we are starting with the new coursebook: English in Mind 3 (Student's book and workbook)
See you, Jimena
martes, 29 de abril de 2008
Today's class
viernes, 25 de abril de 2008
Today's class
Revision on Relative clauses:
Try these activities.
Good luck!
domingo, 13 de abril de 2008
This week
Hi, I remind you some dates this week.
On Monday I'm handing out your draft copies of Writing task 1: "Answering an informal letter" (Student's book, page 75, exercise 11)
Remember you have to correct the mistakes and hand in the final version on the template by Tuesday 22nd.
The homework for tomorrow is page 92 of the Student's book, exercises 1 to 5 and exercises 1 and 3 from page 96. For Tuesday page 98, ex 1, 2 and 3.
On Friday you are having the Revision Test. The modules included are 1 to 8 of Opportunities Pre-intermediate. Pay special attention to tenses (including all 4 future forms), active and passive, conditionals and relative clauses.
We will be having revision classess on Monday and Tuesday, so consult all your doubts then!
See you tomorrow, Jimena
Some special requests
Sergio and Uriel, please edit your profiles. Remember to include only your name and the first two or three letters of your surname. Go to "Panel", "Editar perfil", "Nombre a mostar" and there type this information. Also tick the box "Mostrar dirección de correo electrónico". Don´t forget to save the changes by clicking "Guardar cambios" at the bottom of the page.
nanogrin92, whoever you are, please accept the invitation I sent you by e-mail by clicking the link in the message and completing the details you are asked for. Edit your profile so that we know who you are.
Thank you very much, Jimena
martes, 8 de abril de 2008
Written assignments
Hi, you can download this template to hand in your written assigments for your Portfolio.
When you are asked for a username and a password, enter "ortenglish" on both boxes or create your own Scribd account.
Complete your name, track and date (by double clicking the heading) and write your assignment here.
Good luck, consult me or the lab assisstants if you have any trouble.
See you, Jimena
Level Test
Please complete this LEVEL TEST to assess your knowledge of English language. Copy the result and paste it on a comment in this post.
On this same page you may practise with some very useful multiple-choice activities with instant on-line correction.
martes, 1 de abril de 2008
Today's class
Hi, today we are going to practise listening comprehension.
Here are some links to activities. Listen carefully. Repeat them as many times as you need. Consult me if you are having trouble. Go ahead!
Act 1 At the restaurant
Act 2 At the shoe store
Act 3 4 different conversations
Act 4 Holidays
Act 5 Resort Holidays
Act 6 New year resolutions
Act 7 Wedding plans
See you next class, on Friday.
Remember your homework from the student´s book, pages 82 (ex 3 and 5) and 83 (ex 1 to 4)
Bye, Jimena